Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sugar cookies are dead to me!

The above picture is photographic evidence that sugar cookies hate me. I think that this will be my last attempt at sugar cookies for a long time.
Don't get me wrong-the cookies themselves were tasty. It's the decorating part that has left me so frustrated. I had this grand idea in my head and for whatever reason I wasn't able to get that to translate on to a cookie.
I made the icing on the 4th because at the last minute I decided that I wanted to bring some cookies to the family barbecue. I ran out of time on the 4th so I just tossed the royal icing in to the fridge thinking that I'd get back to it within a day or two. Here we are now, almost three weeks later.
I didn't follow a specific recipe when I was making the royal icing. I sort of threw the ingredients in to a bowl. For some reason whenever my royal icing dries it dries really, really shiny. It must be the Karo syrup that does that but I'm not certain.
I made about three dozen cookies and only decorated about ten of them. They weren't coming out the way that I wanted and as I messed with them I got more frustrated. So, unfortunately I won't be quitting my day job to decorate cookies full time. It's official-I'm calling it quits with the idea of decorating beautiful cookies for people. I'll leave it to the pros from now on.


  1. I have had the urge the decorate some cookies lately....but they never EVER look like I want them too.

    Don't give up!

  2. sugar cookies - mmmm.

  3. I gave up on pretty years ago. I make a thick butter cream frosting and pour on the sprinkles. I greatly admire those who have the patience and where with all to create beautiful cookies, but great tasting is good enough for me.

  4. they look way better than my sugar cookies. the reason i even opened your blog is cuz i thought they looked so good
